
World History


Semester Course (1 unit), Grade Level(s): 10

The focus of this course is the major civilizations of the past and their contributions to the world as it is today, in that range from the geographic to the social, cultural, religious and political aspects. There is great emphasis on why a particular civilization developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, why they declined, and how they have continued to influence the development of human culture. It is suggested that all college bound sophomores take this course.


Semester Course (1 unit), Grade Level(s): 10

The focus of this course is the major civilizations of the past and their contributions to the world as it is today, in that range from the geographic to the social, cultural, religious and political aspects. There is great emphasis on why a particular civilization developed where and when they did, why they became dominant, why they declined, and how they have continued to influence the development of human culture. The course requires extensive reading and emphasizes critical thinking and composition skills. It is recommended those students who plan to take AP courses take this course.